Tuesday, June 24, 2014


First off, happy Fathers day yesterday. Love you dad! And happy
birthday in 2 days Park! The big 18, how exciting! My little stud
brother :) I hope you have an awesome day! Your senior pics look
great! Very handsome :)
This week was crazy for my companions and I. We didnt actually get out
to do a whole ton of work because my companion was still sick, in fact
we did almost no work. I believe we had three appoitnment all week
because we couldnt leave until Saturday and then Sunday we had a big
meeting with the temple president of the Buenos Aires temple (which
was so cool.. he brought such a neat spirit). In one of our
appointments we put a baptismal date in faith for the 19th of July.
But she isnt married and didnt come to church this past Sunday but
hey, miracles happen. If she doesnt make it for the 19th, she surely
will for another date. All of the family of her boyfriend are members
and they are so great. She is super great too and has a ton of faith.
It was cool to see. Our other investigators at the moment havent been
making it to things. Some are sick and others busy (the world cup is
sure making things crazy-- its on in every house!), but during this
week we plan to see them all. We have Sylvia whose fecha recently fell
through and is a little bit afraid to commit herself to baptism and
hasnt come to church yet. But we are working with her. We have Jessica
and Pedro and their 2 kids who havent been able to see us much because
Pedro is sick and often with the doctor (he has anxiety problems) but
came to the church once and felt the Spirit really strong even with
the noise of all the little kids in the meeting (so cool :)),
Antonella and Jeremias that also made it to church and recently got
engaged!, and now Laura. They are all so great. This is the first time
I have had so many investigators and it is awesome. They are going to
get there too, they are going to arrive at baptism. It may not be
while I am here but I get to help them in the process of finding out
about the Lords church and that makes me feel awesome. One day all
these seeds are going to be lovely plants. I am excited to get to work
with them again this coming week now that we can leave the pension
again. This week too when we were in the clinic with Hermana Lachos we
talked to the other people their too and invited them to learn more :)
Hermana Lachos is doing better but still has attacks of pain on a
daily basis. We found out that she has a muscle problem instead of a
lung problem like we originally thought. She just gets super tensed up
in her back when there is a lot of cold. They may move her up north
but we still dont know. She has been really strong though and just
endures it. Poor thing! I love her and Hermana Salazar a whole ton!
Things are still great with my companions. They are both hard workers
with real testimonies and I love them a lot! A miracle we saw this
week was when we went to give a Book of Mormon to a doctor at the
clinic and the patient with whom she was with said, do you have
another copy of that book that I can have? She said that she reads it
just for historical learning but we gave her one too and invited her
to institute classes :). We saw a whole ton of miracles actually but I
just have a hard time remembering well, but a bunch of little things
like that happen all the time. It is always a miracle to me too when
the Lord teaches me through the Spirit as He did in my time in the
pension this week as I studied the scriptures and the Liahonas. I
learned that Christ truly loves each of us. He didnt just live once
but lives now, and right now knows, and loves us. We each have the
capacity to love with the same love He has too. I hope one day to love
both my Heavenly Father and my fellow men with that perfect love.
Christ guides this church now too because He loves us so much. Its so
beatiful, and perfect, and makes so much sense :).
Love you all, have a great week!
Hermana Kuhn

P.s. hit hump day this week. Crazy! I cant believe it. I have been
reflecting a little bit this last week and I would never trade this
last 9 months even though they have been a little tricky the Lord has
taught me so much so that I can in turn bless others. He needed me to
serve and I needed to serve and I still have 9 months that I get to
serve too and that also makes me happy :)

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